6 thoughts on “Blogger explains why blogging isn’t important

  1. SUZANNE says:

    I just lost my comment! Argh!!!!
    I saw that this morning.I thought it was pretty dumb. Bloggers often see what the MSM do not. They come up with angles and possibilities that the “experts” don’t think of, or the MSM doesn’t have time to report.
    Reading bloggers is definitively informative.

  2. Joanne (TB) says:

    The strange thing is how much credibility and importance Kinsella gives bloggers in his latest book (The War Room).
    In fact there are occasions when bloggers make the news, as when Stephen Taylor outed the CBC’s Christina Lawand.

  3. TimR says:

    Kinsella sounds like he’s getting tired of having his ass handed to him by Kate at SDA.
    Besides, how can anyone take him seriously when his latest post is the “a proof is a proof” video of Chretien and instead of embarrassment he admiringly calls it a classic? This was just one of the many times that Chretien revealed himself to be a total clown. And has Kinsella conveniently forgotten the context of Chretien’s remark?

  4. says:

    Bloggers like Warren Kinsella, Andrew Coyne, and Paul Wells are successful not because of what they say, but because of the information they receive from emails and comments they receive from their blog readers. Once the useful information dries up, they’ll stop blogging.
    Kinsella knows that most bloggers have a limited audience. The number of readers is small and the readers’ views are likely to be entrenched. Most people still get their news information from television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
    Tabloid Bloggers:
    Bloggers who resort to name calling such as “Communist Boratcasting Corporation, Pinko Fiberals, and Taliban Jack Layton” are just Tabloid Bloggers–full of explicatives, but lacking in content.

  5. Gord Tulk says:

    Two two word examples that destroy WK’s argument:
    swift boat
    Dan Rather
    The blogosphere is THE most important medium, precisely because we can dig into things and find out what a winner (kate) or loser (WK) someone is and therefore how much respect or import we should give to any of their comments/postings on a particular topic.

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